The Four Steps of Transformation

Transformation is change in such a dramatic fashion that you can hardly recognize the new person or situation from the person or situation that existed before.

Have you participated in a transformation before? While a good situation can transform to a bad one, we usually associate transformation with changes which go from bad to great.

I’ve been listening to a series from Rick Warren on transformation. He says that transformation comes in four steps:

  • Fed up – There becomes a situation which is intolerable. It doesn’t usually happen overnight. It often comes with a “wakeup call.” A day comes when the pain is greater than the toleration process. Being fed up evokes a plan to change.
  • Own up – The person or team acknowledges that they aren’t victims of the intolerable situation but likely have a role in it. They know that the situation won’t be transformed without change on their part.
  • Check up – They assess present practices with an eye for change. If transformation is necessary, the present strategy and practices haven’t worked. A new approach must be determined. New methods must be learned. New skills acquired.
  • Offer up – A personal commitment to persist and to try must be present. Transformation comes from whole-hearted people. They try new things. They believe in the process. They take setbacks with calm and move ahead with courage. They have belief the process is leading them to a better situation and embrace it.

Transformation isn’t easy but it’s the most meaningful work you will ever encounter. Is there transformation needed in your life?

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PalletOne CEO Howe Wallace
PalletOne Inc.
Company President, Howe Q. Wallace

Since 2005, he has been sharing his thoughts on the organization, leadership, and communication in an online daily note to teammates called Daily with HQ.


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